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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Project run way, IIC style.

So, two weeks ago Teena, one of the admins and wife to Martin(son of Carmelo) came to the juniors with a proposition. In a couple weeks we were to have a photo shoot, designed, put together, and directed by the junior class. This activity is going to become a junior class project from now on.

We were given two weeks to come up with a theme, models, "costumes", makeup, and most importantly: HAIR. We started by choosing lead stylists from within our class. We had decided to have five or six models, therefore needing cfive or six stylists. After we figured out who would lead the groups we divied up the remaining juniors (all 3 of them) as either assistants, or models. Somehow I got volunteered to be a lead stylist...

So,our class sat down and thought together about a theme. We came up with "garden party", giving each team the flower of thier choice to draw inspiration from, I chose a gerber daisy, then went about finding models(all models were/are students at IIC).
Things were going great for my team, we had found the perfect 'gerber daisy', had a design nailed down, and found make up that was perfect! But then...our models attendance turned out to be sketchy, and Teena, coordinator and head honcho of the whole event, decided it was best if we found a different model...

Pretty neat stuff, if I do say so myself.

But, as it just so happened, that same day as we lost our model, another model lost her team (due to their attendance rate - or lack there of) and Teena had her join us. We went from a blonde model with wicked long hair, to a Brunette model with hair to her shoulders.

Rather than coming up with a whole new hair design, I decided to keep what we had and just alter it where needed, as well as some how incorperate all the bright and colorful extensions this new model had.

In the end though, all the colors were perfect for individual gerber daisies, but, all together on the same head? No. It just didn't seem right. Then, the day before the shoot, put the pink extension used to create the daisy in our models hair, and I decided I really liked the flowy ness of it without having the petals all formed and pinned. My team agreed, and we all took a step back to look...

This, was no longer a simple, little, innocent gerber daisy. No. Our sweet little flower had bloomed into the form of a vibrant, bold, and exotic Bird of Paradise. A few other design elements were rearranged, et voilà!

She was ready.

I had a good time enjoying the challenges of a photoshoot. It was a lot of work, very stressful, but it stretched my mind, helped me with 'team leadership'(letting/telling others to do things I stead of doing it all myself) and brought out my inner Runway Designer.