Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me. We pillage, we plunder, we rifle, and loot, Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho. We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot, Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.
As all of you should know, yesterday - September 19 - was National Talk Like A Pirate day. One of my most favoritest days of the whole year...arrrrgh!My interest in piracy began at a young age. I had a love for swords, the ocean, worn out clothes, adventures, hammocks, and floppy hats, not to mention root beer.
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me. We extort, we pilfer, we filch, and sack, Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho. Maraud and embezzle, and even high-jack, Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
The first time I met Bella, I didn't realize she was a pirate like me. It was upon our reunion that we discovered that one similarity. We had a plan. Live on a boat, find us a couple buccaneers and have us a double wedding on my tennis court...
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me. We kindle and char, inflame and ignite, Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho. We burn up the city, we're really a fright, Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
...we still have yet to find ourselves some pirate menfolk...
We're rascals, scoundrels, villains, and knaves, Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho. We're devils and black sheep, really bad eggs, Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
Well, we did find some pirate menfolk, many in fact, while the two of us were perambulating in our Pirate garb, at the CT Renaissance fair...but they were...really bad eggs...
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me. We're beggars and blighters, ne'er-do-well cads, Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho. Aye, but we're loved by our mommies and dads, Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
Favorite Movies and Books:
Pirates of the Carribean..ALL. THREE.
Treasure Island - with the muppets :)
Peter Pan...
and The Goonies, cause that's a classic.
I wanted to share a couple of my favorite children's books with you as well.
Pirate Girl, By Cornelia Funke , cracks me up every time. It's about this awesome girl named Molly, who get's captured by unsuspecting pirates, and is saved by the notorious Barberous Bertha.
And there's this one, about a wee lad who helps blundering pirates who are not very good at map reading skills, and how he runs away with them to live a pirate's life......because, you want to celebrate piracy, and I know you do, you need to be able to talk like one, savvy?
And I shall leave you with a wonderful poem on this wonderfl subject:
Captain Hook must remember
Not to scratch his toes.
Captain Hook must watch out
And never pick his nose.
Captain Hook must be gentle
When he shakes your hand.
Captain Hook must be careful
Openin' sardine cans
And playing tag and puring tea
And turnin' pages of his book.
Lots of folks I'm glad I aint -
But mostly Captain Hook!
Shel Silverstein.