If you know me, then you know that along with my love of pirates I also have a love and fascination with hippies and gypsies. I can try to explain, but I really don't know if I can, why this is so cool to me.
Let's start with road trips.
I love them. Since I was in the womb we would be making long trips to see family, starting out in CT and ending in PA, VA, OH, or NY.
Most of the time it was Pennsylvania we were heading for
,[photo sent to me by Bella, was hanging on the wall of a little joint called "the cosmic omelet] a little town located deep in the woods, in the middle of nowhere, called Wellsboro where we'd meet up with my mom's family who also came from miles around to hang out in this cool, round house in a clearing. We'd have huge family dinners while, like, 20 grand kids ran around in the clearing and in the woods, with 'swords and guns', swimming in the lake and camping out in Hillscreek state park, or taking a walk up the dirt road to...well, nowhere imparticular.
Next we can move to cars.
I like cars. They're fun to drive, they get you places, they get you away from places, they present you with a cozy place to hang out with your friends for an hour or so on your way to the beach and back, and most of them have a stereo to blast music with. Since I was little I've always admired the way classic cars look. Now, I can't tell you what on earth is under the hood and all the hoosie-what's-its that make it work, but I appreciate the way they look...
Someday, I want this to be my car.
[This photo belongs to
mPascalj's photostream (2,321) ]
And sure, why not, I'll live at the beach on the weekends. Totally fine with that ;) Yup, a classy VW camper van. I'll drive across the country, and stop along the way to visit relatives and their showers...perhaps I'll be a traveling hairdresser? ;) But in all seriousness, I do dream of someday traveling europe and doing hair for something. Whether it be avant garde fashion shows, or theatre groups or whatever.
Then we get to music, cause you can't live your life and not have music.
Music makes me happy, pretty much no matter what genre it is. Variety is probably the best one word to sum it all up in. Classic to contemporary, acoustic to metal, trippy to worship....yeah. But as much as I love some of the more contemporary bands that I grew up with, I have a special place in my heart for some not-so-contemporary bands that I grew up listening to, courtesy of mi papa.
Bands like The Beatles, Eric Clapton, Don McLean, Simon and Garfunkel...and along came ACDC, Queen, Thin Lizzy, Guns and Roses...you get the picture. I definitely inherited my love of music(and the benefits of liking a large variety) from my dad. The only time I can crank the volume and rock out, is either when I'm home/driving alone, or with him. He's pretty awesome that way. One of the permanent fixtures in my van is going to be an acoustic guitar - maybe I can hook up an amp or something in the van and I can bring my electric too. But what fun would it be to have a big van, some rocking tunes, and an instrument or two and be all by yourself? So, somewhere along the way I'll have to convince my friends to come along with me sometimes :)
Yup. So that's a little bit about me and my fascination for *trippy hippie life. Emily Michael, gypsypiratehippiechick.
As far as the Trippy factor goes, I so do not endorse drug use. The only drugs I encourage are COFFEE, life, music, and creativity, four of God's greatest gifts to man. I've got a good enough imagination to go through life and enjoy it to the wackiest, and fullest extent without shoving crap up my nose and stabbing needles in my arms. Thanks very much.