Yesterday I took a trip to the Library with my mother and sister. I had no plans to borrow any books. After all, I was in the middle of two, and have one on loan from a friend of mine that I haven't cracked open yet! It was gonna be a quick in and out returning job.....or so I thought.
We got in there, I placed my two returns on the desk, and then I looked around me. I am fascinated by libraries. Their nooks and crannies, rows upon rows of shelves crammed with books, the smell of dust, love, and old paper. Sometimes I imagine what it would be like to live there. To be locked away at night, everything is quiet, the building empty, the lights glow softly, and you are alone with millions upon millions of books.
What would you do? Roam the isles aimlessly? Start from one end of the library and make your way to the other, reading every single book that lay between? Find secret rooms and passages that are hidden deep in the belly of the building(I'm sure they're there....but maybe not, if your libraries aren't as old as mine). Make a fort out of books. Stand on the balcony overlooking the entrance hall and recite Shakespeare at the top of your lungs, with all the emotion you could muster. Sing....I'm sure the acoustics are great in there ;) Slide back and forth on the ladders on wheels like it was a ride at the amusement park(You know you've always wanted to do that, don't even lie to me!)
As you can see, I've given this a lot of thought and imagination. When I have my own place, there WILL be a room fully devoted to books. I promise you. (Actually...that's what my room is starting to look like now....)
Anyways, I dropped my books off and started looking around. I couldn't help it. The books were calling to me, how could I not answer? It's like a game of hide and seek. You have to keep going until you find that one story that is calling for you. My sister grabbed my hand and we headed for the children's section, one of my favorite rooms. I came out of there with at least three books, two children's horror stories(E.A.Poe style) and one that seemed to be about an evil, mind controlling puppeteer....
Next, I moved to the teen section, a place I tend to stay away from cause I feel the quality is a little less....something. It's hard to find a good story in there, I think. They're all mostly brainless young adult romance novels seemingly to consist of lots of drama, sex, drugs, or vampires(among other supernatural creatures) They have their place, and can be fun to read, but I need something with substance. Something that I can devour and feel full, not inhale and afterwords wonder, "What did I just read?" So, I hunted until I found four other books. Just as I was starting to lose feeling in my arms from my massive load of literature, I ventured out into the main hall where I found my mother and sister browsing among he 'new summer reads' display. There I found my very last one....OK. I was really done now. Really. I mean, I only have 3 weeks to start and finish most of these, and then maybe another 3 if I don't get exhausted of what's left and feel like renewing any of them.
I decided that I would read one with my coffee and breakfast in the morning, bring another one to work with me(hoping that I would really be too busy and not have time to read), and pour over a third one before bed. So...three a day...I'm not even gonna bother pretending that I have an estimated end date on any of them....All I aim for is to finish one, and start the next.
8 books, 3 weeks, no time....We'll see how this goes.
You may call me crazy....But I'd prefer to label myself as ambitiously-out-of-my-mind. Besides, sane people never have much fun anyways. So, I intend to constantly be hopping out of my world and into 3 others everyday at various times :) I think it'll be refreshing, escaping from my reality. And maybe inspire me to start writing my little stories again.
Books I borrowed(In case you were wondering):
- Puppet Master - by Joanne Owen
- Uncle Monague's Tales of Terror - by Chris Priestley
- Tales of Terror from the Black Ship - by Chris Priestley
- Beauty - by Robin McKinley
- A Kiss in Time - by Alex Flinn
- Stardust - by Neil Gaiman
- Freaks - by Annette Curtis Klause
- Clockwork Angel - by Cassandra Clare