Music is a very powerful thing. What you listen to subtly influences your thinking, behavior, world view, the way you view relationships, whether you're apathetic or empathetic towards certain things. There is something in music that literally permeates your soul. So I ask you, what is it that you are really listening to? Stop for a minute. What song are you chilling to? What are the lyrics saying? One of my favorite things to do is to go through songs and dissect lyrics, see what the message is that they're trying to convey, what the writers may have been thinking or feeling when they wrote the song.
Well, on to the confession part.
I like a lot of music, and a lot of artists. My musical taste is quite the variety. But...
Over the years my liking of some artists have come and gone, and there are only about two, maybe three, that I keep up with now.
- Relient K
- Switchfoot
With both of these artists I have followed each of them since they first began their musical careers. I own all of their albums, know the words to all their songs, and have always wanted to meet them in person. My fan-hood is nothing compared to one of my friends who will remain nameless - unless you wanna name him - who constantly expresses his love for Jon Foreman, while I keep that love inside and silent...because, let's face it, it's less creepy that way. So I was exceedingly happy when I got Forget and Not Slow Down - Relient K for my birthday back in October, and Hello Hurricane - Switchfoot for Christmas. As far as seriousness is concerned, Switchfoot is your better bet, while RK is more of on upbeat, catchy, toe-tapping kinda group. Nevertheless, I love them both.
But since Hello Hurricane is my newestly(yes, newestly - I do indeed make up words and use them in public, someday I shall do a post on all the words that Shakespeare made up that are used in the English language today, but I digress) acquired album I thought I would share one of my 12 new favorite switchfoot songs. The lyrics alone are pretty amazing, but when the music is added, something in your skin shivers.
sing it out, sing it out, take what is left of me and make it a melody, sing it out, sing out loud, I can't find the words to sing , you be my remedy. My song, My song, I'll sing with what's left of me