To celebrate Bella and I ran around a rather amazing and spectacular thrift store called Savers, and later ventured into the mall and F21. What did we do there? Well, we bought clothes (or in my case, purple polka-dotted pillow cases), but really we were there to play one of our favorite games....FINDTHEUGLIESTPIECESOFCLOTHINGANDWEARTHEMALLATTHESAMETIME! It's a fabulous game and Bella and I are the winners. Always.
"Dear stirrup pants,
PLEASE go back to the 90's where you belong. Our feet, no matter how unruly, do not enjoy being strapped to our pants.
Emily and Bella
Concerned citizens and fashion police.... ;)
What can I say? I've always wanted to be an awkwardly bald, pepto-bismal-pink mannequin...
no, really!
Here are some of our beautiful outfits.
This poncho was so large and boxy....I think you're jealous.
I do actually think that we lost at this one. Despite the homeschool-stereotype fabric pattern, the colors and the dress are actually pretty cute on her.
Oh look! It's a double rainbow! I just might cry!
I have no words.
She's so pretty in pink! Just waiting for her some guy to pick her up in his pink tux so they can go to their the 80's.
don't you just love the neck line?
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